DPRC is affiliated to

HF Holidays

Doncaster Pathfinders 25 anniv

25 Years Doncaster pathfinders
Doncaster Pathfinders Rambling Club

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50 Years British Coal Rambling Club
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As our Club grows, demand for coach seats is increasing. One of the major problems we face when taking bookings is those who reserve a seat and then cancel. Sometimes the cancellations come in very late on the Saturday and leave no time to reallocate that seat to someone who is waiting to travel with us.That leaves the club with a cost, a disappointed walker, as well as unnecessary pressure and frustration for our secretary.
Those cancellations can be for very valid reasons but our aim is to give as many as possible, the chance to enjoy our Club and our walks. The cost of each coach to the Club is fixed, no matter how many people take up seats, so the more seats we fill, the better the situation for all.
The committee has therefore decided that once a booking is confirmed, cancellations will be accepted up to the preceding Friday at 6.00pm, with the current cancellation fee of £8. Cancellations received after that time, or in the event of a “no show” on the day, a full fee of £15 (members) and £18(non members) will be payable.

The committee hopes that all members will understand the need for this process and our aim to provide a day of walking, fun and good company for as many as we can.
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DPRC is affiliated to HF Holidays
Follow us on DPRC Facebook
Copyright Doncaster Pathfinders Rambling Club
Site design by dalech computer systems
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