Doncaster Pathfinders Responsive Design
DPRC is affiliated to

HF Holidays

Doncaster Pathfinders 25 anniv

25 Years Doncaster pathfinders
Doncaster Pathfinders Rambling Club

Follow us on DPRC Facebook

50 Years British Coal Rambling Club
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  • For Weeks or weekends away why not look at HF Holidays.

  • Take a look at the Ramblers association web site.

  • Before setting out for the day why not check out the weather forcast.

  • Take a look at the North and Mid Cheshire Ramblers website for some really groovy things .

  • Want more confidence when out on your own? There is a fabulous Navigation Tutorial courtesy of the Ramblers Association .

  • For many of our club walking once a month is just not sufficient, There is an informal group of walkers who meet up on a Thursday. Speak to any of the Thursday walkers

  • If there are any sites that you think the rest of our members should know about, please use the Contact Us page to let us know about it, we will take a look and include the link on this page.


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DPRC is affiliated to HF Holidays
Follow us on DPRC Facebook
Copyright Doncaster Pathfinders Rambling Club
Site design by dalech computer systems Images 16,2,32,24,6,12