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Doncaster Pathfinders Rambling Club

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Doncaster Pathfinders Walking club

50 Years British Coal Rambling Club

Evening Walk - Wentworth

Just a quick reminder that there will be an evening walk on Wednesday from the George and Dragon pub in Wentworth, post code S62 7TN, commencing at 6.45pm Christine Follows is leading a short 5 mile walk in this lovely area and the weather forecast looks good. For those who do not wish to have a drink and socialise after the walk there is a car park in the village, just off the main road. Please meet at the George and Dragon. No need to book, just turn up.

LLC     ( 15 Jul 2024 )

Revised Pick up Location for July Walk

Due to the new parking charges and restrictions at weekends imposed recently on all car parks in the town centre it has been decided to use the car park near The Vue Cinema on Sunday 14 July 2024. The coach will still leave at 8am. The coach will pull up along the adjacent road, there is free parking in this car park. It may be better to park nearer the road in the car park rather than outside the cinema, but anywhere in that car park will be fine. You will see the coach.

LLC     ( 10 Jul 2024 )

John Swift R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we hear of the passing of John Swift. John had been a loyal servant of the club for many years, becoming a life member in 2018. He travelled all over the world in pursuit of his love for walking. He led many walks for the club and was always willing to step in and fill any gaps in the walks program where required. John has been ill for a number of years and did not re-join us on our walks when normality returned after lockdown. Walk on John!

DLC     ( 04 Jun 2024 )

Wool Market Get Together

The summer is nearly here again so feels like the perfect time for an afternoon social before we all go off on our holidays. Last year we met up at the Wool Market in Doncaster which seemed to hit just the right amount of food, drink, music, chat and fun so why not do it again? We will be meeting from 4pm onwards on Saturday 22nd June and everyone is welcome!!! No booking necessary just turn up, please come along and bring any friends who may be out with you too, we would love to meet them. There will be someone from Pathfinders looking out for you, but if you are thinking of coming and are put off by arriving on your own please let us know and we will gladly exchange phone numbers to be used on the day and a meeting point. Hope to see you there

JR     ( 03 Jun 2024 )

Waterdale Parking

Please be aware that Sunday Parking charges have been introduced on some Doncaster council car parks that were previously free. The charges are not prohibitive, but failure to comply may generate a penalty charge. Please read the notice carefully when leaving your car to join the coach, several of us were caught out yesterday!

DLC     ( 03 Jun 2024 )

June Walk - Bookings open

Bookings from members are now being taken for the Pathfinders June walk. Please read the monthly news letter for walk details, they are both Moderate walks, The A walk 11 miles with 1100 ft ascent, the B walk 9 miles and 700 ft ascent. Please book on-line via the website or e-mail the gmail account. Non members may book after Wednesday (22/5/2024) Please note this is an 8:00 departure from Doncaster.

DLC     ( 20 May 2024 )

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